Power To The Misfits

Oct 08, 2024

In 2008, when I started on the sustainability adventure, the focus was on convincing people that it was even a thing.  

Holding up the weirdo banner, we were willing to talk about this issue that just wasn't in people's awareness.  And even if they didn't want to hear it, understand it or face it, we kept talking about it.
The Time For Talking Is Over
Fast forward to 2024 and the good news is that the time for talking is now over.  For the most part, we accept that we have a sustainability problem and we are looking for ways to make it better. 
One telling figure is that one of the biggest conferences around sustainable changemaking this year was held at the Petit Palais in France with 15,000 attendees. Next year they have upgraded the venue to the Grand Palais as they are expecting 35,000 attendees - who want to be part of the solution.
So just stop and take a minute. And think about what it took to get here.  See all those changemakers who made it happen.  Ordinary people like you and me across the world who stood up for this.  And in effect changed the course of history. 
The truth is that we didn't have some great grand plan.  We didn't even really believe we could actually make a difference.  And on the journey we often felt small, alone and powerless. 
But still, we kept focusing on why it mattered to us, we set aside the 'who are you to' voice inside our heads and we kept putting one foot in front of the other.  All those micro efforts over time, had the titanic at least realise that there is an iceberg straight ahead.
Now, standing on the shoulders of those who have come before, the next chapter is upon us - to make sure we avoid that iceberg. And what that will take is transforming at the level of depth, scale and speed we need now.
I am truly excited for this next phase. I know that that is weird in view of the current state of the world. But there are truly some unique opportunities for purpose and impact emerging if we look hard enough. So here are three areas where I see some inspiring possibilities for real change.
The Generational Shift
We are about to go through a generational shift on boards. Gen X is now up, basically.
They will get to decide where we are headed next. Whether we keep on the baby boomer track or whether we are brave enough to firmly chart a new course.
The time of complaining is over, a new generation gets to captain the boat. And this is a defining time of leadership adulthood for all of us. Because with that all the generations are called to rise to a new occasion.
We are now those same leaders that we projected our insecurities onto. And it is time we define ourselves not in reaction to them, but by choosing the kind of leaders we want to be now.
Inner Transformation For Outer Transformation
Inner change is finally on the map. People are digging deeper for ways to accelerate outer change. And inner change is emerging as the key to these quantum leaps.
It all starts with our own willingness to transform. And even the smallest shift in our perceptions can make all the difference.  I was recently talking with my mum about the gap between wanting to have a big impact and all the ways we keep ourselves small. And as she accurately pointed out: 'Well why not you? Why not us? Somebody has to be Taylor Swift!'
And she was right, the people who are having a big impact did not set out that way. They just decided that they wanted to do something. They started, kept going, believed in the face of adversity and grew themselves to be the ones who could make it happen.
So why not believe that we can have a bigger impact than we think and grow ourselves for that?
Leaders With New Mindsets
Transformation is not juggling numbers on a spreadsheet, it is catalysing new value creation. We need a new sustainability conversation. One that asks how we generate the products of the future that create real value in our lives, businesses and world - whilst regenerating our planetary ecosystems.
For that, traditional board members or CEOs hypnotised by the status quo aren't going to take us to where we need to go. They are the ones who have got us to where we are. We need the leaders of the new future to emerge for the next part of the journey.
Recently I was listening to one of those CEOs.  He managed to cut 40% of emissions in his organisation over two years whilst growing his business.  Listening to him you could see how his mind worked completely differently.  
His motto was that the impossible is only temporary. He was excited by the unknown and thought like a pioneer. He accepted that he was going to be constantly challenged by problems he didn't know how to resolve. And he saw it as a non negotiable one of a kind adventure he was fully up for.
As we realise we need to go beyond the cookie cutter clone-like school of leaders, this creates new leadership opportunities.  For those of us who feel out of synch with, uninspired by and unmotivated in the existing system, this is our time.
By stepping up, you can use your difference to lead in this time of transition.  So that you can become the trustworthy out of the box thinker we need now to build the bridge to a new better reality.
Until Next Time,


We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.  

What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.

So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to being on this adventure together!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company