Revolution Or Evolution?

Sep 10, 2024

At my trainings for changemakers, I always used to play Tracy Chapman's 'Talkin' Bout a Revolution' song.

Until one day, a leader came to me and said: 'You know Louise it doesn't have to be a revolution. It can also be an evolution.'

I have often pondered on whether a revolution or an evolution is best - and what difference it makes. And ultimately what will tangibly create the real system shift we need now.

Revolution Makes It Non-Negotiable

Revolution is great at putting front and center the radical nature of the fundamental changes we need. It means we get that the big changes will happen. And it leaves us no choice. It forces us to change - whether we like it or not.

The problem is that revolution often alienates. It is brought about through a war-like energy. It usually involves telling people that everything they believe in and have poured their energy into is wrong or bad.

It has them feel worthless, angry and afraid. And it means they will resist you. Because they know you have no respect for them, what they care about or what they have created so far.

Revolution has to force the change - and it will face backlash. The risk is that you will not have enough force to push it through. And even if you do that the changes will not hold or be sustainable.

Evolution Invites On A New Journey

On the flip side, evolution builds on what has come before. It invites rather than battles. It acknowledges the past and how far we have come. And it is curious as to what people actually want to create next. So that we can turn together towards the future we all want to see.

In that sense when done well, evolution illuminates what needs to change, dialogues respectfully and invites to a new journey together. It engages with others and as such is engaging. It is more sustainable in that it opens the door to new possibilities that can benefit us all.

The problem is that often evolution gets lost in pleasing or appeasement. And so we end up diluting the change we actually want - to keep the peace. Or we have lots of conversations but nothing actually changes. We end up putting a lot of energy in trying to change things but only experiencing a groundhog day of things staying the same.

Endings And New Beginnings

More and more the way I see it is that ultimately we need both - revolution and evolution.

Revolution in the sense of making it clear that radical and profound change is needed and is going to happen. That the fact that things will change is not negotiable.

And evolution in the how we go about the change itself. So that it becomes an invitation to go on a journey to create something better together.

Revolutions bring about endings. But they are not always good at creating new beginnings. That is where the energy of evolution can come in. By catalysing the re-invention process needed to birth together what is to actually come next. So that it really is at a new level and is sustainable.




We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.  

What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.

So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to being on this adventure together!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company