What Will You Do With The Time Given?

May 14, 2020

How are you doing? Like really...

Here, and talking to clients, there are good days and bad days...

Today the clouds are just hanging out on the mountains - like fluffy cotton hugs cajoling the peaks. The misty cover comes and goes. One minute you see clearly, the next all is invisible.

As I watch, I am pondering what comes next?

This sentence keeps playing in my mind: ‘The future is not what is going to happen, but what we make it.’

At the beginning of the year it all seemed so clear. I started the year with a real high - being invited to speak at the House of Switzerland during Davos 2020. I talked about what it really takes to become a next generation leader - the Visionary, the Disruptor, the Change Maker who will create the sustainable world of tomorrow where we all flourish.  And the steps that all of us can take to become that kind of leader.   

Emerging Into New Vision

Now it’s a bit like those peaks and those clouds. Vision was hidden for a while, but it is still there waiting to emerge. So time to reassess... 

  • What is the Vision now? 
  • How have the last couple of months changed that? 
  • What seems pointless and can be let go of? 
  • What is important now?  

The last few months have been about survival. But as we emerge into a new reality, we are called to decide what our new world will be. What will we create out of this?

What Will You Do?

One of my favorite quotes comes from the Lord of The Rings:  ‘I wish it need not have happened in my time’ said Frodo. ‘So do I’ said Gandalf ‘And so do all that live to see such times. But that is not for us to decide. All that we have to decide is what we will do with the time that is given.’ 

At some level we all wish that this had not happened. We are all grasping for the comfort of ‘going back to normal’. I know I am. But I am not sure that is going to happen any time soon. So what is left for us to decide is what we will do with the time that is given to us - whatever the external circumstances.

What About Purpose? 

One conversation we have been having in my groups is how purpose fits into all of this. We wondered whether the circumstances would have us give up on our purposes. But instead we are finding that it is a lifeline back to ourselves and what matters. And somehow it has become a lighthouse in this storm. True North in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.  That strong foundation that means that everything still makes sense. 

And so for me I am realising as the mist clears that my purpose is still clear.  That what I talked about at Davos is still what matters and drives me the most.  

Will You Lead Us?

I have always believed that the next stage is about making a fundamental system change in the way we live, we work and we do business.

I don't know how COVID-19 will impact all that.  But what I do know is that... whatever comes next… we will need a new generation of leaders to lead the way:

  • Leaders who genuinely care and stand for what matters, are on purpose, challenge the status quo and can consciously guide evolution.  
  • Leaders who know what drives them, what their mastery is in and who can create new possibility.  
  • Human Leaders who feel called to create something new, real, meaningful and sustainable for all out of the current chaos. 

If you aspire to being one of these leaders, then maybe this is your time.  If not now, then when?

I am committed to helping this next generation of leaders emerge, sustain and amplify their impact.  Because leaders need a place to grow to become the kind of leaders they could to be.  If you resonate with this and feel this is your time to go to your next level of potential, purpose and leadership, get in touch. I am opening up my new programmes for this year. See below for more information.  

And as it is my Birthday month, for those who register and pay in full by 28th May for either one of my group year or 9 months programme, you will get a special bonus of one to one coaching with me.  I only take on a small number of one to one coaching clients these days.  So you may want to make the most of it...

Until Next Time,


Upcoming Programmes

Sustainable transformation takes time - so most of the ways to work together are for either 9 months or a year.  The Positive Energy Individual Retreat is the only exception to that as it is more like a ‘tune up’ at a specific point in time.

  • The Positive Energy Academy is a Course, Incubator and Tribe where I support you to Create, Sustain and Amplify Your Fulfilling, Meaningful Work that has a Positive Impact.  You get online content, support through Q&A calls and the power of a like-minded community behind you for a year. The information is here.  Register and pay in full by 28th May and you get a 1 hour bonus one to one coaching session with me.
  • The Positive Energy Leaders Mastermind is a 9 Months Intensive Immersion.  It is for those of you who really want to go for it this year and Align To Purpose, Incubate The Next Level of Your Meaningful Work and Step Up To Be The Next Generation Leader You Are Meant To Be.  You get my eye closely on your transformation, personalised coaching and to be surrounded by others seriously committed to living their purpose and driving change.  It combines Online Alignment Group Retreats, Small Group Coaching Calls and access to The Positive Energy Academy.  Official start date is the 1st July, but you will get access to the Academy online modules as soon as you register.  And if you pay in full by 28th May you get a bonus two hour one to one coaching session with me. All the information and how to apply is here. 
  • The Positive Energy Retreat is A Personal Alignment Immersion To Deepen Into Your Potential, Catalyse Meaning and Embrace Your Next Level of Leadership.  This is for you if you want to work one on one with me and take some time to step back, to go deep and see what is next for you in terms of your potential, purpose and leadership.  All the information is here. For longer tailor-made one to one coaching programmes, please contact me directly.
  • For Coaching and Training for the Leaders in your Organisation, please contact me directly.

Meet Louise...

Louise Le Gat is a Next Generation Leadership Catalyst and Advocate. She supports Leaders to become the Visionaries, Disruptors and Change Makers who are building the sustainable world of tomorrow where we all flourish.  

She is the Founder and CEO of Positive Energy Leaders and the Creator of The Positive Energy Academy - An online transformational community for leaders to create, sustain and amplify your fulfilling, meaningful work that has a positive impact.

What I do… 

  • For Emerging and Established Leaders, I support you to craft, sustain and amplify your fulfilling, meaningful work and positive impact - by aligning to your next level of potential, purpose and leadership. 
  • For Organisations, I support your High Potential Leaders and Executives to align to what gives them meaning, to inspire others to new possibilities and to effectively lead transformation. By navigating their career crossroads consciously, stepping into their personal leadership, developing their emotional mastery and becoming agents of positive change. 
  • I believe that as leaders your greatest impact and fulfilment comes from touching the world with your unique presence.  Instead of wondering what could have been, I support you to do the deep work that that takes.  

  • In essence, I help you reconnect to yourself, align to what matters to you and take real charge of the difference you make.  To bring your whole potential to what you do, to show up and keep stepping up.  So that you can feel fulfilled and contribute your full inspiration, mission and humanity.  And that you can become the leader of evolution you are meant to be.  If not now, then when?

Others Share Their Experience...

  • 'I hired Louise to help develop our young and future leaders in the NCE College in resilience, emotional intelligence and leading change. The feedback by all participants was how she opens up so many new ways of thinking through her coaching and ability to integrate the head, heart and strong intuition. My personal experience has been one that will last a lifetime. She has been more than a coach but has helped me become a true transformation agent. Louise has known exactly how and when to apply coaching and mentoring. So that I could change to become a leader I can be proud of. I would hire Louise again and again as I truly believe in her ability to inspire new possibilities and bring lasting transformation.’  Robert Paquin, Head of NCE College, Nestle - now retired

  • 'Louise is a wonderful, compassionate, optimistic and highly skilled coach.  She will help you see yourself beyond the roadblocks you’ve know forever and the personal self you had forgotten. So that you can identify with confidence and optimism strategies and action plans to reconnect with who you are and what you truly want to do.' Anne Bonnaillie, Associate Director - Brand Building & Integrated Communication, Proctor & Gamble

  • 'I truly enjoyed working with Louise. She definitively walks the talk: she lives lovingly, does work that matters to her and stands for greatness. At a time when everyone speaks about «precision medicine », Louise is a pioneer in « precision coaching »! She has the ability to take you through a unique journey where you make progress in the areas that are important to you, where you reflect on your own personal vision and above all you reconnect with yourself and think differently.' Irene Corthesy Malnoe Global Head of RD & CSO of Nestle Health Science - Now Partner at Skyviews Life Science

  • 'Louise has a truly unique way of coaching that takes you on a journey deep inside you. She has the ability to see beyond the obvious and helps you uncover parts of your true self that were hidden or you did not even remember existed. Gentle, patient, encouraging while also being firm and challenging, all by creating an environment of trust and openness to go deeper each time. Louise's coaching has helped me to become a healthier, happier and more fulfilled person. As well as giving me the confidence to really step up as a leader and become a more conscious transformation agent. Yvonne Vrba, Lean Design Master Pillar


We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.  

What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.

So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to being on this adventure together!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company