'Louise Le Gat IS positive energy personified.  With a full and present heart, Louise brings her gifts to the stage in a highly memorable and deeply impactful way. Powerful, calm and inspiring, you will be moved, you will be touched and transformation will begin.'  

Linda Stuart


The Purpose-Led Adventure 

Because Purpose Is Not A Destination.  It Is The One Of A Kind Journey Of Being You.

The Purpose-Led Adventure is my signature talk about navigating the pivotal moment we are in and how purpose actually works now.  It can be included as a keynote, an online event or as part of a podcast.

Overview Of The Talk

We are at a pivotal moment where we are being called to upgrade the operating system on the planet.  For many of us this is triggering a pivotal moment of our own where we are asking deeper questions about our life, work and leadership.  And wondering how we can best contribute  at this time - to enable the transformation we want to see in the world.
Most people think that purpose is a destination - getting that perfect sustainability job, joining that perfect NGO or setting up their perfect business.  That is what I thought too when I started on my own quest for purpose twenty four years ago.
But that is not actually how purpose works.  I tried most things you try when looking for your purpose.  I did a career change, took a sabbatical, was an internal change agent, set up three businesses, worked in a start up for renewable energy, did the laptop lifestyle thing, lived in a ski resort, did India and worked with the Dalai Lam and his team on the new economy.  
What I have learnt is that purpose is not a destination.  It is the adventure of evolving the world by being your unique self.  Not an easy quest, but definitely a worthwhile one.
In this inspiring talk, I speak about what this purpose-led adventure is and what it takes - to include
- The Three Stories: My three defining experiences and what they have taught me about purpose.
- The Three Lessons: The three shifts in how to think and approach your purpose - and why it matters.
- The Three Actions: Three steps you can take right now to get started on your own adventure.
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'The IMD MBA'14 class had the opportunity to enjoy Louise's positive and inspiring message. With a practical approach supported by her personal experience, we were able to start digging for our peak moments and our meaning in life.  Louise, thank you so much for sharing your gift with us!' 

Juan Jimenez Criado, IMD Business School MBA'14 


The Purpose-Led Mindset  

Explore The New Rules Of Purpose And Positive Impact At This Pivotal Time On The Planet. 

The Purpose-Led Mindset is my signature workshop - to start a new conversation about purpose.  Specifically, on how the world of purpose and positive impact is evolving for these pivotal times.  And what that means for your people, your teams and your organisations.  It can be run as part of your team event, infuse pioneering and transformative thinking into your impact programme and bring new inspiration to your leadership retreats. 

Overview Of The Workshop

These are no ordinary times - we are shifting systems.  As a result, the world seems very chaotic.  At its core it is a mirror of the ending of a system that has proven itself to be unsustainable. As a new system is slowly emerging in the wings, we are each being invited to consider how we will contribute to the world that is to come next. 
In this, lies the untapped opportunity for each of us to lead the way to a new better future - whether we are a corporate leader, social entrepreneur or humanitarian.  But how do you make the most of these new possibilities in your day to day living, working and leading?
Especially when the current reality of change-making is more often spinning our wheels in burn out, self-doubt and power struggles.  And ending up feeling exhausted, lost and disillusioned.
This is where The Purpose-Led Mindset comes in. We can't use old maps to build a new world. So our perception and practice of purpose and changemaking needs to evolve - to be fit for the times of system shift we are in. Our new quest is to create a new reality based on well-being and flourishing - starting with ourselves.  As such we have to upgrade our very own operating system to be able to do that.
In essence, the Purpose-Led Mindset maps the software update we need to give ourselves to make the quantum leap to a well-being paradigm. So that we can bring the level of depth, scale and speed of transformation that we need now. Ultimately, shifting from being the good soldiers of the old status quo to becoming the brave purpose-led system changers of the new tomorrow we actually want to see next. 
In this thought-provoking workshop we will explore:
- The New Call: What is the new human quest we are being called to and what does that mean for your purpose?
- The New Roadmap: What are the 3 core shifts for inner fulfilment, meaningful work and authentic changemaking at this time?
- The New Compass: Where to start to become the purpose-led system changers we are here to be and create our unique part of the new future we actually want to see next.
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