‘I’ve had a fantastic experience with Louise. She has a unique ability to read someone.

I’m amazed by her ability to “scan and feel” what’s going on and use that to bring insights that helped me look deeper, explore areas in my behaviour that were still unknown to me, and find points I could activate to achieve my next level of Leadership.

I’m truly thankful to have gone through this transforming experience. She really helped me in becoming a much better person, and a much better leader.’

Gustavo Zenaide, Vice President - Pet & Animal Wellbeing at Archer Daniels Midland



*What we do matters: For those of us who really want to play our part at this pivotal time on the planet, it is essential that we align and stay on track with our unique potential, purpose and impact. But that is not always easy.  Even with the best of intentions, whether we like it or not, life, our fears, bosses and it seems the craziness of the current world, happen.

*This is an unprecedented time: There is also something different about this time.  We are in-between paradigms.  Drawn to leave the security of what we have known, we are being called to become the brave builders of a new future. This is the time we have been waiting for. And even if we knew what our purpose was in the past, we need to evolve it for this now period - into how it wants to be expressed at this pivotal time.  

*The new adventure is calling: If you have recently been feeling unsure, lost or confused about your purpose, legacy or any part of your mission, it's normal.  As we face these uncharted waters, we are called to step up, to deepen and to upgrade ourselves for what is ours to do next in these specific transition times. That is what this immersion is about - to help you get back on track.



*Practically, we partner together to get clear on your next stage of unique potential, purpose and impact.

*There are 3 areas of focus you can CHOOSE ONE from:

** Navigate Your Pivotal Moment:  Get Clear On What Is Calling You Now And How You Need To Evolve To Meet This Pivotal Moment On The Planet

** Incubate Your New Value Proposition:  Craft Your Next Level Of Offering As An Intrapreneur Or Social Entrepreneur For These Times Of Transition

** Articulate Your Thought Leadership: Claim Your Visionary Leadership And Craft Your Message And Signature Talk As A Forward Thinker Of The World You Want To See Next



*A long time ago when I did my career change from being a lawyer, I remember reading a book that was pivotal for me.  It was called 'The Corporate Fool'.  It was about how in the court of the king, the fool played an essential role.  Through his jokes and songs, he was the only one who could tell the king the truth.  So that he could take ownership for what he was creating, see beyond his blind spots and where necessary reconsider the impact of his behaviour, actions and choices.  And from there create something new and better for himself and others.

*The book went on to explain how in the same way leaders needed someone around them with whom they can have real conversations.  A safe transformative space where they can explore what they are creating now and how to make new choices that serve them, their purpose and others better.  For me that sums up the essence of what I do. I support you to answer the call to your own greatness. At its core is the premise that your commitment to your own transformation as a leader is the key to the evolution of our world.  

*Ultimately I am your adventure partner. My style is a mixture of deep transformative coaching, sparing conversations to catalyse real growth and profound intuitive insights to alchemise you in the right way on your purpose-led journey.  So that rather than chasing just another shiny distraction or hiding out in the shadows - you create new and better things for yourself and the world around you. Things that feel aligned to what you are really about and what you are here to do. 

'I truly enjoyed working with Louise. She definitively walks the talk: she lives lovingly, does work that matters to her and stands for greatness.

At a time when everyone speaks about 'precision medicine', Louise is a pioneer in 'precision coaching'!

She has the ability to take you through a unique journey where you make progress in the areas that are important to you, where you reflect on your own personal vision and above all you reconnect with
yourself and think differently.'

Irene Corthesy, Global Head of RD & CSO of Nestle Health Science - Now Partner at Skyviews Life Science



*It would be my real pleasure to support you to play your vital role as a transformation agent, catalyst and builder of the new system you are here to be. 

*This a 3 Months' Coaching Immersion Package, where we focus on ONE of the 'pick your adventure' areas. It includes:

*Two x Half Day Individual Coaching Retreats: So that you can step up to your next level of potential, purpose and  impact.  This is usually taken online.  But can also be taken in person in specific locations.

*WhatsApp Access in between sessions to anchor in new insights.

*One 90 mins Integration Session: To support practical implementation into your life, work and leadership.

*Access To The Purpose-Led School  with its practices, foundations and community - for the time period of the retreat package.


*INVESTMENT: CHF2,500 (+VAT for Swiss Residents)




*I have been a coach for twenty five years.  I started coaching when no-one really knew what it was.  It turned into a healthy (I think!) obsession with all things transformation. Since then I have brought deep and extensive transformation at individual, group and organisational levels - not just from the illusory safety of theoretical concepts but by being fully embedded in the trenches making change.

*Particularly through my contribution in acceleration programmes for high potentials, change agents, intrapreneurs and social entrepreneurs.  Having been both a purpose-led intrapreneur and social entrepreneur.  Being brought in to lead and to save change.  And as part of the external coaching faculty of global organisations and large scale incubators for purpose-led organisations in partnership with UNDP and The Swiss Development Agency.  I was recognised through the ICF Prism Award for outstanding coaching as part of Nestle's external Coaching Faculty. 

*The starting point being my full and ongoing commitment to my own personal transformation and evolution. I see myself as an intrepid explorer, pathfinder and mapmaker. With my life being an intense laboratory - an in-depth experimentation of what it really means to live, work and lead from our purpose on this planet at this time.  I get what it takes to make it as that pioneer, innovator, visionary - and ultimately that wayshower, mapmaker and architect of the new.  Because that is my journey.