A Personal Immersion To Build Your Roadmap To Your Next Level of Potential, Purpose And Impact



*What we do matters: For those of us who really want to play our part at this pivotal time on the planet, it is essential that we align and stay on track with our potential, purpose and impact. But that is not always easy.  Even with the best of intentions, whether we like it or not, life, our fears, bosses and it seems the craziness of the world, happen.

*This is an unprecedented time: There is also something different about this time.  We are in-between paradigms.  Drawn to leave the security of what we have known and called to become the brave builders of this new world that wants to emerge. This is the time we have been waiting for.

*The energy is calling for a shift: If you have been feeling lost or confused about who you are, what you want now or what you are here to do recently, then don't worry.  It's normal.  That is because even if we knew what our purpose was in the past, we need to evolve it for this now period - into how it wants to be expressed at this pivotal point.  

*We are called to adjust for the transition: As we face the uncharted waters of this in-between, we are also called to step up and to upgrade ourselves for these specific transition times. So that we can take our place as the members of the transition team that will lead the way to what is to come next.

‘I’ve had a fantastic experience with Louise. She has a unique ability to read someone.

I’m amazed by her ability to “scan and feel” what’s going on and use that to bring insights that helped me look deeper, explore areas in my behaviour that were still unknown to me, and find points I could activate to achieve my next level of Leadership.

I’m truly thankful to have gone through this transforming experience. She really helped me in becoming a much better person, and a much better leader.’

Gustavo Zenaide, Vice President - Pet & Animal Wellbeing at Archer Daniels Midland



*To navigate these times, we need three aspects to come together:

**First, we need to come back to ourselves: to get centered in and to reconnect to the natural flow of who we really are.

**Secondly, we need to activate what we are meant to be doing now - especially at this pivotal time on the planet.  By clearing any blocks and taking the time to tune into and map what that is.

**Thirdly, we need to have a much more dynamic ongoing relationship with ourselves, our own flow and our unique purpose.  So that we can stay on track with how we are manifesting the changes we want to see on the ground.



*We have created a retreat package, that integrates these three aspects. So that you can set yourself up to navigate these times in the right way:

**The first step is to get yourself realigned. Specifically, what aspect of your potential are you called to express next and clear any blocks to that.

**The second step is to create a roadmap that is aligned to your flow and what you feel called  to focus on in terms of your purpose in this cycle.

**The third step is to lay your purpose-led foundations.  So you can stay on track with your potential and purpose and your flow in the months to come. 



*The Retreat Package includes:

*Individual Deep Dive Coaching: Two x Half Days + One 90 mins Session. So that we can together get you to step up to your next level of potential, purpose and  impact.  This is usually taken online.  But can also be taken in person in specific locations.

*WhatsApp Access in between sessions to anchor in new insights.

*A Year's Access To Two Online Programmes in The Purpose-Led School:

** To The Haven: There you will find questions to journal on, visualisations and centering practices.  So that you can integrate The Purpose-Led Habits to energise your own flow, remember who you really are and get clear on what you want now.

**To The Gathering:  There you will find our online masterclasses and workshops.  So that you can activate The 12 Purpose-Led Foundations to embody your unique design, do what you are here to do and walk your right path as a leader of transition going forward.


*INVESTMENT: CHF2,500 (+VAT for Swiss Residents)

'I truly enjoyed working with Louise. She definitively walks the talk: she lives lovingly, does work that matters to her and stands for greatness.

At a time when everyone speaks about 'precision medicine', Louise is a pioneer in 'precision coaching'!

She has the ability to take you through a unique journey where you make progress in the areas that are important to you, where you reflect on your own personal vision and above all you reconnect with
yourself and think differently.'

Irene Corthesy, Global Head of RD & CSO of Nestle Health Science - Now Partner at Skyviews Life Science